Drama on the Guadalupe River

Drama on the Guadalupe River

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Arizona Desert - Redoux

Out deep in the Eastern Arizona desert. I rolled around some small sendero (small path) and caught the sunset.


  1. (Not sure my comment made it - blogger is playing tricks on me. If you have it double, simply delete one ;) )

    That's gorgeous!
    My husband grew up somewhere around Arizona and the desert - thanks for showing me a glimpse of the Beauty!

  2. You are very welcome Nicole! It indeed is a magical place!

  3. I just caught up with your blog, you have got some stunning images. I have visited Arizona been on the Apache trail and did a Balloon ride over the Sonora Desert. What a fantastic country. We call you Rob Zabroky the fastest camera in the West.Keep the images coming.

  4. I Visited Arizona Three Times and I Fell In Love With It's Beauty... Plan To Move There One Day.
    Great Photo!!!
